TESTOGAN 50ml Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and is responsible for the production of specific sexual masculine traits. Typically, the testosterone propionate causes less side effects and less water retention, and when they occur, these effects usually diminish rapidly when usage is stopped. 25 mg/ml.
ANDROGAN 50 Boldenone (EquipoiseorEquifort), despite being a drug of veterinary use only many years ago was discovered by bodybuilders and, since then, has been used to increase strength and muscle volume.
BOLDEGAN 50ml Boldenone(EquipoiseorEquifort), despite being a drug of veterinary use only many years ago was discovered by bodybuilders and, since then, has been used to increase strength and muscle volume.
ANABOLAND 50ml Boldenone(EquipoiseorEquifort), despite being a drug of veterinary use only many years ago was discovered by bodybuilders and, since then, has been used to increase strength and muscle volume.